Tier 2 Capital Security EUR 750 million 4.25% - Perpetual

Issuer  Achmea B.V. 
Issuer type
Corporate bonds
Nominal amount at issuance
€ 750.000.000
Nominal amount oustanding following tender offer  € 393.493.000
Settlement day 4 February 2015
Maturity Perpetual
Call date 4 February 2025
Call notice period Not less than 30 nor more than 60 days
Issue price 99.968%
Book runners
Barclays, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan, Rabobank and Royal Bank of Scotland
Presentation Download Presentation
Prospectus Download Prospectus
Final terms Download Final terms
Listing Regulated market of Euronext Dublin
ISIN XS1180651587