Develop medication platform in Ghana

Through an innovative digital supply chain platform, we aim to make quality medicines assessible to everyone in Ghana. Through this platform we aim to address affordability and availability constraints, and especially the problem of fake and substandard medicines, which cause many unnecessary deaths. These problems are caused by a combination of a fragmented, poorly regulated market with insufficient quality control, combined with inefficiently managed procurement and inventory management and low liquidity of healthcare facilities. 

The platform tackles these obstacles in an integrated way. We digitally pool medicines procurement to negotiate better contracts with suppliers and put in place innovative quality control mechanisms to ensure only quality drugs are prescribed to patients. Alongside this we support facilities with access to credit and inventory management training. By partnering with the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG), which serves about 2.4 million people per year, we can start with a critical mass of 330 health facilities.
The initiative is set up as a social (joint) venture, initially supported by a grant but operating as a sustainable business from Year 4. After connecting CHAG facilities, we aim to expand to other private and public facilities. 

Our ambition is to revolutionize access to quality medicines for all Ghanaians. Ghana can lead the way for other low- and middle-income countries, with the platform operating as an open source global public good.



  • Identified counterfeit or substandard medicines removed from supply chain and reported to FDA

  • at least 30 CHAG facilities are connected to the platform and trained, have access to finance and >70% sells medicines at affordable rates

  • Medicine platform is developed, tested, starts to generate income and is ready to scale to 100 additional CHAG healthcare facilities
