
Expert Volunteer Assignments: using the expertise of Achmea employees

The Achmea Foundation also invests in initiatives by providing know-how and expertise to charitable organisations. By sharing know-how, we want to make a lasting contribution to high-impact initiatives. This allows organisations to achieve more or make a faster impact and we create opportunities for the personal development of employees.

Partners which receive financial support and other charities appropriate to the Achmea Foundation are invited to request relevant expertise. An expert volunteer assignment lasts one or two weeks and may take place in the developing country where the organisation operates.

This brochure tells you all about the options and criteria. We eagerly await the opportunity to collaborate with you and contribute to your meaningful initiatives. And of course, to make the world a little more beautiful together.

Brochure Expert Volunteer Assignments (EVA) >

Local impact for the most vulnerable target groups

  • Assignments must always contribute to an improvement in the welfare of low income groups in a country.
  • Assignments may be focused on supporting local organisations with a clear social objective or the partner’s local organisation.
  • The Achmea Foundation prefers to carry out assignments at viable organisations (not start-ups) which are aiming for financial independence combined with social impact or at organisations in the not-for-profit sector.
  • An assignment has to fit in with one of the three themes of Healthcare, agriculture and financial services.

Achmea employees can offer their expertise to the Achmea Foundation. As expert volunteers they contribute to society and develop their own competences and skills by working on exceptional projects. Achmea employees can find more information on expert volunteer assignments in MijnLeeromgeving.

Location and time frame

  • Employees can do a volunteer assignment at an organization in Sub-Saharan Africa or at one of our partner organizations in the Netherlands.
  • Achmea only sends employees to countries where their safety can be ensured, in accordance with advice from the government and local management.
  • Achmea employees can be sent on assignment for up to two weeks. In exceptional cases, there may be a duo assignment or a phased assignment (a larger assignment broken down into several parts, each with clear milestones).
  • Each expert will be assigned just once by the Achmea Foundation.